The Caffeine Authors Drink: #Thursday13 on #RomanceBeckons
Thirteen Authors, Thirteen Mugs and Thirteen Drinks that Keep them Writing.
Calinda B drinks Jasmine tea, "and only the best!" in this great mug.
When it comes to writing sexy books, supernatural romances, or an erotic paranormal romance series, Calinda B purrs with excitement, just like her two fine Abyssinian cats. She's got a life full of adventure and stories, a head full of imaginative realities and a willing partner to help her "research erotic possibilities." What more could an author ask for?
Melinda Dozier lives in Guatemala so it should be no surprise that she loves coffee. Her hubby grew up on a coffee plantation and it's a huge part of their lives. "Here's my fave enormous cup, along with a nice pecan tart."
Melinda teaches English to middle schoolers during the day and finds time to write at night. She's always been an avid reader and writer, enjoys watching reality tv, blogs, and relaxes with Zynga games.
Natasha Knight drinks both tea and coffee. "Here's my tea/coffee cup. I love this idea. That's my laptop with it's broken key in the back. Oddly one I never use..."
Natasha Knight is the author of several BDSM and spanking erotic romances all of which explore the mind of the Dominant male and the submissive female, discovering just beneath the surface of each story that key element of love. Her characters are as human as she: powerful and vulnerable, flawed, perhaps damaged but with an incredible capacity to love.
Emerald drinks water while working and most of the time in general. "I'm just a purist that way."
Emerald is an erotic fiction author and general advocate for human sexuality as informed by her deep appreciation of the beauty, value, and intrinsic nature of sexuality and its holistic relation to life. Her work has been featured in anthologies published by Cleis Press, Mischief, and Logical-Lust.
Sabrina York prefers "Decaf Americano with sugar free vanilla and three Splendas to be exact!" And her mug of choice is a personalized author cup. Love it!
Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, writes naked erotic fiction for fans who like it hot, hard and balls-to-the-wall, and erotic romance and fantasy for readers who prefer a slow burn to passion. An award winning author in multiple genres, Sabrina loves writing hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers.
Lastly, here's mine... Paloma Beck uses this mug "on the days that I drink Chai. I call it my 'tea mug'. It's special because one of my sons bought it all by himself for me as a birthday gift a few years ago."
What Do We Drink?

Calinda B drinks Jasmine tea, "and only the best!" in this great mug.
When it comes to writing sexy books, supernatural romances, or an erotic paranormal romance series, Calinda B purrs with excitement, just like her two fine Abyssinian cats. She's got a life full of adventure and stories, a head full of imaginative realities and a willing partner to help her "research erotic possibilities." What more could an author ask for?
Victoria Barbour drinks dark roast coffee in beautiful pottery.
Victoria lives on the island of Newfoundland, and is fiercely proud of her home. She can imagine no better setting for her works, and hopes that her readers will one day come to witness Newfoundland and Labrador's rustic beauty for themselves. When she's not writing, or trying to convince people to visit her home, she's busy with her day-to-day life as a mother, wife, and marketing communications specialist.
Victoria Barbour drinks dark roast coffee in beautiful pottery.
Laurel Cremant is a tea drinker, and sadly she loves the pricey stuff. "My favorite is a chai and mate mix. And my mug if choice is one that makes me smile."
Laurel is a romance author, who like most writers loves to read. She has no one favorite genre to read because she believes "a good story is a good story" regardless of what genre it's published under. However, her first love (pun intended) is romance. From the sappy romantic chick flick, the sappy YA romance novel to the more risque erotica novels, Laurel is a sucker for a good love story.
Laurel Cremant is a tea drinker, and sadly she loves the pricey stuff. "My favorite is a chai and mate mix. And my mug if choice is one that makes me smile."

Melinda Dozier lives in Guatemala so it should be no surprise that she loves coffee. Her hubby grew up on a coffee plantation and it's a huge part of their lives. "Here's my fave enormous cup, along with a nice pecan tart."
Melinda teaches English to middle schoolers during the day and finds time to write at night. She's always been an avid reader and writer, enjoys watching reality tv, blogs, and relaxes with Zynga games.
Natasha Knight drinks both tea and coffee. "Here's my tea/coffee cup. I love this idea. That's my laptop with it's broken key in the back. Oddly one I never use..."
Natasha Knight is the author of several BDSM and spanking erotic romances all of which explore the mind of the Dominant male and the submissive female, discovering just beneath the surface of each story that key element of love. Her characters are as human as she: powerful and vulnerable, flawed, perhaps damaged but with an incredible capacity to love.
Story on the mug: Hubs and I live, travel, and write full time in our motorhome, based in the Southwest. Having a mug that won't spill when it tips over (which happens far too often in our tiny living space) is crucial. Plus, it fits in the cup-holders on the console when we're driving down the road.
Tammy Dennings Maggy's current fave mug is Disney-inspired and not at all like her friendly personality! "I love black teas with cream and sugar."
Tammy publishes under multiple pen names but all can be found through her Goodreads link HERE.
Tammy Dennings Maggy's current fave mug is Disney-inspired and not at all like her friendly personality! "I love black teas with cream and sugar."
Tammy publishes under multiple pen names but all can be found through her Goodreads link HERE.
Jeanine McAdam's tea mug has a chocolate lab on it. It's perfect since "a chocolate lab named Aaron sleeps under my desk while I write."
Jeanine McAdam is a writer of twenty-five romantic short stories, a few spicy anthologies and three cowboy books. Telling stories about imperfect people finding perfect love is her thing. Even though she lives in New York City she’s fascinated with the American west. She’s currently writing about bull riders and the spunky urban women who adore them in her Skirts and Spurs Trilogy. But before the cowboys, Jeanine wrote about Zombies.

Jeanine McAdam is a writer of twenty-five romantic short stories, a few spicy anthologies and three cowboy books. Telling stories about imperfect people finding perfect love is her thing. Even though she lives in New York City she’s fascinated with the American west. She’s currently writing about bull riders and the spunky urban women who adore them in her Skirts and Spurs Trilogy. But before the cowboys, Jeanine wrote about Zombies.
Melissa Rolka drinks Folgers Breakfast Blend with Caramel Macchiato creamer in it every morning! "This mug is Christmas-sy and old but I use it every morning."
Melissa Rolka grew up in the Chicagoland area all of her childhood and has always had a love of writing. She started by keeping a journal at a young age and then in high school she started writing poetry. A couple poems were published anonymously. Then in college she majored in Philosophy, which required lots and lots of writing. Eventually she made her way back to the Midwest, where her heart belongs, and worked in business for several years. She found love, got married and has two beautiful children. Being at home has allowed her to keep following her love of reading and writing.
Melissa Rolka drinks Folgers Breakfast Blend with Caramel Macchiato creamer in it every morning! "This mug is Christmas-sy and old but I use it every morning."
Renee Rose enjoys decaf coffee with heavy cream. "Even the caffeine in that makes me CRAZY!"
Renee Rose is a contemporary dance teacher, Feldenkrais Practitioner, energy worker and spanko. A lifelong writer, she has a B.A. in creative writing from Knox College, where she won the Davenport prize for both fiction and poetry, and the Lorraine Smith prize for literary criticism. She spent thirteen years in technical writing before she found a way to incorporate her deepest darkest spanking fantasies into fiction and express a part of her that longed to see the light. She is now passionate about supporting others in accepting and exploring their kink, whatever that may be.
Renee Rose enjoys decaf coffee with heavy cream. "Even the caffeine in that makes me CRAZY!"

Emerald drinks water while working and most of the time in general. "I'm just a purist that way."
Emerald is an erotic fiction author and general advocate for human sexuality as informed by her deep appreciation of the beauty, value, and intrinsic nature of sexuality and its holistic relation to life. Her work has been featured in anthologies published by Cleis Press, Mischief, and Logical-Lust.

Sabrina York prefers "Decaf Americano with sugar free vanilla and three Splendas to be exact!" And her mug of choice is a personalized author cup. Love it!
Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, writes naked erotic fiction for fans who like it hot, hard and balls-to-the-wall, and erotic romance and fantasy for readers who prefer a slow burn to passion. An award winning author in multiple genres, Sabrina loves writing hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers.
Lastly, here's mine... Paloma Beck uses this mug "on the days that I drink Chai. I call it my 'tea mug'. It's special because one of my sons bought it all by himself for me as a birthday gift a few years ago."
Talk To Us. Make A Comment.
What's Your Beverage of Choice? Coffee or Tea?
Espresso or Decaf? Or is it simply water for you?
Espresso or Decaf? Or is it simply water for you?
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