#Thursday13 MOVIES I LOVE @AndreaRCooper

Growing up in Houston, Texas, I have always created characters and stories. But it wasn't until I was in her late twenties that I started writing novels. What happened that ignited the writing flame in my fingers Divorced, and disillusioned by love songs and stories. They exaggerate, I thought. Love and Romance are not like that in the real world. Then I met my husband and realized, yes! love and romance are exactly like the songs and stories say.

I'm now a happy wife, and a mom to three kids (two boys and a girl). I write paranormal and historical
romance. When not writing or reading, one may find me dancing in Zumba. I believe in the power of change and counting each moment as a blessing. But most importantly, I believe in love.
I love movies. Funny ones, Romantic, Fantasy, Action—almost any—except some horror or a sad movie. I cannot stand bittersweet or depressing-ending movies. For example, Million Dollar Baby would be on this list IF it had a different ending. I am not sure why I have to have a HEA (Happily Ever After) except that life can be gloomy enough.
Here are my 13 favorite movies of all time:
13. The Mummy & The Mummy Returns – I love ancient Egypt – ever since I used to sneak watching the Secrets of Isis TV show. I wasn’t allowed to watch anything with magic or fantasy – not even Disney. So I was thrilled whenever the show came on at the babysitter’s.
12. The Bourne movies (all) – I like spy and action movies and these were great. I still watch them.
11. Stardust – Fantasy and magic. This movie had me at Fantasy.
10. Lord of the Rings (all 3) - Ironically, I never read the novels. These were the types of stories I craved, but wasn’t allowed to read or watch. Then I got busy with life, etc. I didn’t read these until after I wrote the first 4 novels in my Legends of Oblivion Series and then watched all the movies.
9. Game of Thrones (all) – ok, this isn’t a movie but a TV series, but I’m still addicted to it
8. Howl’s Movie Castle – my favorite anime. If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it. It is a little slow in the beginning, but soon picks up speed and does not let you go.
7. The Matrix (all) – I saw this movie with my husband when we were dating. He did not tell me anything about the movie, and since I had never heard of it when it was in theaters, it was a fantastic way to see it for the first time. I still use lines in this movie. If they made another, I’d be first in line.
6. Aliens (all) – I love watching sci-fi and while I have other favorites, these movies top them all.
5. Harry Potter (all) – Magic, Fantasy, did I say magic? I love the movies and books. I just wish I had books like this when I was a kid. They would have been worth staying up late reading.
4. Mr. & Mrs. Smith – At first, I thought this was a remake of War of the Roses with Kathleen Turner. I was sooooo glad it didn’t end like that movie. If I make a 13 list of the worst movies WOR would be top of the list.
3. Pirates of the Caribbean (first 3) – Sorry, I never really liked Johnny Depp as an actor or anything else until these movies!
2. Thor movies & The Avengers – Anything with Chris Hemsworth. Although, I also love Vikings – hence my Viking Historical Romance—so had to pay homage to the mythical fierce Vikings.
1. Underworld (all) – When this movie first came out, I fell in love with the characters, the dark narrative, and the idea of hybrids. Also, this movie inspired my debut novel The Garnet Dagger which turned into a series about an Elvin bitten by a vampire.
What are some of your favorite movies?
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Andrea's Newest Release
Viking Fire

Kaireen, daughter of Laird Liannon, is suddenly forced into an arranged marriage with her sworn enemy, a Viking. She refuses to submit. With no mention of love, only land and the protection of her clan, she endeavors to get her betrothed banished from her country. Will love find its way around her stubborn heart?
Bram, the Viking, finds himself without future or inheritance as a younger son in his family. A marriage to the Laird’s daughter would grant him land if he swears fidelity and if his men will fight along with the Liannons against any foe—Irish or Viking. However, the Laird’s feisty daughter only holds animosity for him and his kind. Is marriage worth the battle scars of such a relentless opponent?
With the blame for a rival laird’s death treacherously set against the Liannons, Kaireen and Bram must find a way to lay aside their differences as an unforeseen darkness sends death snapping at their heels.
Viking Fire Excerpt
Chapter One Ireland 856 CE (condensed)
“I renounce Father for this.” Kaireen threw the elderberry gown.
“Shame on you and your children for speaking such.” Her handmaid, Elva, gathered the damask and then dusted off the rushes. “It’s a wonder one of the clim has not scolded you from your hearth for such talk.”
“No, curse Father for a fool.” She plopped on her bed and a goose feather floated away. With a huff, she leaned against the oak headboard. Red curtains puffed like a robin’s chest around oak poles supporting her wooden canopy.
Her bare feet brushed against the stone floor.
“You know your da arranged a marriage within a season.” Elva smirked.
Kaireen shook her head. “To another land holder,” and waved a hand in disgust, “not t-this heathen. Twice they raided our land in the last month alone. Now father wants me as wife to one of them?” She clenched her fists. “No, I will not marry this Viking.”
Elva smiled, reminding Kaireen of the rumors of her handmaid’s uncanny foresight.
Whispers of Elva making strange things happen and often blamed as the cause of
Kaireen’s stubborn refusal to behave as a laird’s daughter should.
“You’ve not seen him yet.” Elva wiggled her brows.
“So?” Kaireen shrugged. “I would like to never see him.”
“Well then, would you not like to know if you have a handsome husband or not?” She waited for her response, but Kaireen scowled. Elva chuckled. “I would rather get a good look at him now than the morning after.”
Kaireen’s ears heated. “I am not marrying.” She shook her head for emphasis. “So there will be no morning, nor night, nor wedding.”
“If he is handsome, I may fight you for him.” Elva smiled, deepening the wrinkles around her eyes.
“Welcome to him either way.” Kaireen laughed.
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