Queen of my Kingdom: Places Authors Write #amwriting on #Thursday13

With my boys all involved with soccer teams - two playing and one as a coaching assistant - I'm on soccer fields and carpools nearly every day. Those long, cozy winter evenings at home are gone and writing time is at a premium. My daytime hours when they're in school just aren't enough so I've discovered the art of writing on the sidelines during practices. While the other moms are doing that gossiping thing, I'm saved by headphones and my small laptop.
I've learned there really isn't anywhere you can't write when you put your mind to it.
Here are 13 Places I Write:
- In the car during sport practices.
- On the sidelines during half-time.
- In the garden under the sun.
- By the pool.
- In bed.
- On the couch.
- In the carpool line.
- As the passenger on a road trip.
- On an airplane.
- In the airport.
- On the kitchen counter while cooking dinner.
- In a coffee shop.
- In my office.
Where do you write? Do you have trouble finding time at home to write? Leave a comment and tell me how you fit your writing into your life.
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