Six Sentence Sunday

Since I am participating in the Romancing the Hop BLOG HOP this weekend, 
my six sentences come from a scene where the sin sisters talk about romance.

Layla remained relaxed in her seat while trying to explain, “I was hesitant. I’d never felt many of the desires you take for granted. They were all so overwhelming and I was afraid. But when I opened myself to Madden, and then to Anton, I let them love me.”
“That is so romantic,” Sadie grinned and reached over to touch Layla’s arm.
“Romantic is this chunk of diamond on her finger,” Gemma added.

Each week, the new listing of Six Sentence Sunday (SSS) blogs go live at 9 a.m. EDT Sunday. This is a great way to find new authors! For a list of SSS blog tour participants, go to You can also follow #sixsunday or #sixsentencesunday on Twitter.

If you enjoyed my excerpt, you can now purchase the first book in 
the SEVEN SIN SISTERS series though these BUY LINKS:
Secret Cravings Publishing | All Romance | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Eternal Envy will be available in October 2012.


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