Don't get Spooked by Triberr!

to simplify your life...
what more could you ask for?
In this weekly feature, I’ll give just one suggestion of a marketing tool to try. It's usually something that helped me as a new author. Social Media has great opportunity but navigating it can sometimes be overwhelming so since it's my second love -after books, of course - my WoW posts focus on marketing. Regardless what I choose to talk about, I promise it will be simple because, after all, we are all very busy people…
I've talked about Triberr before. It's not new anymore but some people are still intimidated to join. Then there are people who have joined but aren't using it to its potential. And then there are still others who are frustrated by the ever-evolving Triberr world. If you've not read my first WoW! Triberr Post, I recommend you go back and do that first.
If you are just joining Triberr, I am Chief to two tribes. My open tribe is Naughty Romance. It’s for Erotic Romance Authors and has a few simple rules (most tribes do) so if that’s a fit, come on over and enjoy a s’more around the campfire!
NOW, Let's Talk About
Using Triberr Wisely
There have been some changes recently - the biggest is the 100-post limit in your queue. Your queue is where the posts you approve sit to be sent out in a drip-feed. You can now only approve 100 posts daily. Since Triberr sends your tweets at the rate of 3 an hour/ 72 a day, you will potentially have more posts than possible to send in a day... or maybe not depending on how many tribes/ tribemates you have.
For this reason, carefully consider the tribes you join.
Joining too many tribes is just not effective. Be selective. Choose tribes that fit your topic area. This ensures your tribemates tweets will be somewhat interesting to your followers. It is then also more likely your tribemates' followers will be interested in your tweets.
Tribes that require approvals will have the most active tribemates.

Don't join tribes with members not pulling their weight.
EVERY MEMBER MUST BE ACTIVE for Triberr to work as it should. Look for tribes that require approval. I know I already said this but it is very, very important! Here's why: the tribe as a whole has a higher REACH possibility than each member as an individual (all our twitter followers put together is called our "reach"). The NUMBER ONE RULE is: It only works if every tribemate does their part!
Send it out timely! Time sensitive material can be manually tweeted. With the 100-post limit, posts with a daily giveaway, blog hops or another specific daily post is best if gone out immediately. How do you do that? To do a manual tweet, first click APPROVE. Then along the bottom of the post, click TWEET. It adds just a second to your work but doubles your post, meaning it gets tweeted NOW and then in the queue for LATER which helps your fellow tribemates and comes back later to help YOU!
Make your posts stand out!
*This is the biggest mistake I see bloggers making!!* It's simple: You are a writer so write a good post title. When using Triberr (and therefor, twitter), your title is nearly more important than the actual content. If your title is good, people will gravitate to it.
How do you do this?
USE # (HASHTAGS) and @"person mentioned" so it feeds into twitter in tweet language. Use # on searchable/ common words. For example, #Review, #Author, #SixSunday, #*blog hop titles*, #*book series*, #*memes*, etc. If you are in a Hop or Meme, the group should have a standard hashtag for all members to use.
USE @*guest name* if it's a guest post. Incorporating these will maximize your reach on twitter and increase the chance of your post being approved quickly when a tribemate has to choose because of the limit. It also ensures that your guest is included in the post and then the tweets go to their followers as well.
IMPORTANT: If you do not want your blog title to look funny with the # and @ signs, go into Triberr after your post goes live, click on My Posts, click on the screwdriver symbol on your post and edit the title there. It will then go out to your tribemates with the symbols. I PROMISE using these symbols will increase your blog traffic. I've tried it & I have the stats to prove it.
Keep Writing!
WoW is a Smart & Savvy Group of Authors
who write this weekly feature for their blog each Wednesday.
While we don't claim to be experts, the goal is to impart what we've learned about
writing, editing, getting published, book promotion, and more along the way.
who write this weekly feature for their blog each Wednesday.
While we don't claim to be experts, the goal is to impart what we've learned about
writing, editing, getting published, book promotion, and more along the way.
Follow along and read all this week's contributors' posts.
You can follow us on twitter at #WWoW.
Or find us on facebook at Words of Wisdom.
We also welcome more authors' participation. Sign up is through our facebook page.
Again, an excellent post. Triberr's recent changes have been overwhelming to me. Seems like I have tons more posts to approve and I have to rethink how I do it all.
ReplyDeleteI'm really enjoying Triberr and I'm still working out the best way to promote all of my blogs without overwhelming my tribes. I'm a member as myself and another pen name so I'm working on using that angle a bit more. I've gone directly to some of my tribe mates' blogs themselves to promote there in order to cut down on the number I have in the que.
ReplyDeleteOverall, it's still a lot more efficient than doing all of it at each blog for all of my author friends. Whew!
Thanks again for the tip!
Thanks for sharing. I signed up, but am just now learning how to use it. Appreciate your sharing!
ReplyDeleteguess we think alike eh? (wink)
Mary's Naughty Whispers
guess we think alike eh? (wink)
Mary's Naughty Whispers