Road Trips with Paloma

I've been busy lately... taking road trips to so many blogs, I'm practically living out of a virtual suitcase. It's given me an appreciation for my husband who travels weekly for his job. I feel a bit adrift, always trying to focus back on where I currently am instead of where I came from or where I'm off to next.

You can purchase VANISHED PRIDE here.
I've been visiting other blogs to promote VANISHED PRIDE, the fourth book in the Seven Sin Sister series. It's my favorite so far... though I think I might say that about each one, I really mean it. I've dug in deep to incorporate Domestic Discipline into the plot and am so, so happy with how the story turned out. While each of the couples in the SSS series have their unique kink, the hero from Vanished Pride –Donovan- comes from generations of couples who practiced DD as part of their culture. The idea of the male mate taking the female mate in hand was nearly second nature to him and he struggled trying to keep this side of himself buried. It wasn’t until he unleashed this part of himself that Paige accepted him as her mate. She needed the ritual as much as Donovan did.You can read more about the DD theme and even catch an exclusive excerpt here at Raine Delight's blog. It was fun to share more about this lifestyle but since I'm not an expert, I'll also share the link to Learning Domestic Discipline for those interested.

Now it may surprise many of you who follow me more closely but... I'm actually a closeted erotic romance author, a carpooling PTA mom who writes erotic romance while her kids are at school. My neighbors have no idea what I write though my family does. They're incredibly supportive of my journey as a writer. I share a lot about myself in an interview with Beverly and Tamara at their SSLY (Smile, Somebody Loves You) blog. Want to get to know me better? Here's a great place to start!

Everything I am –all my experiences, the people around me, events I watch unfold, interactions with others- influences my writing. Almost everything in my books has some meaning to me, including character names, food choices and character’s idiosyncrasies. I explain exactly how this affects my writing in my interview on Gemma Parkes blog, Living & Loving With A Passion. You can learn more not only about me as a person but specifically about me as an author. We talk a lot about my writing process before I share a HOT EXCERPT from VANISHED PRIDE.

Grab your virtual suitcase... and come along! And be sure to get caught up on the series before the FREE SHORT STORY comes out soon. Lucas finds love in HOLDING HOPE.


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