Winter Spanks: Craving A #Spanking
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Here on Romance Beckons, I'm sharing a brief encounter between Scott and Josie, secondary characters in my latest release, TOUCH MY HEART. Enjoy! Then be sure to answer the question I ask at the end of the excerpt. I'll select one commenter to WIN an ecopy of Touch My Heart.
The snow was coming down fast and furious. The storm had started earlier the night before and continued all damn day. I imagined the white landscape would calm most people but to me, a native islander, this snow was a fortress. It was a prison that I was currently trapped in.
Scott was working in his home office and Isabelle was sound asleep, exhausted from playing in the snow with her daddy. Both were oblivious to the discomfort taking hold of my spirit. My breath was coming faster. I could feel the anxiety welling up inside of me. I needed a release but I’d already worked out once today and I knew better than to pour another glass of wine. Two glasses was our house limit, despite my husband’s occupation as a brewery owner.
I was pacing the family room when Scott’s voice rang through our home’s intercom system. “Josie, come see me in my office.”
As if called to attention, my body grew instantly alert. His voice was thick with conviction and I clung to the promise it held. Uncertain if I should walk quickly or slow my pace, I fought with myself the entire walk down the stairs, through the hall and into his cavernous office.
The lights were dimmed. Scott was no longer working. Instead, he sat on the sofa near the burning embers of the wood fireplace. My gaze flashed from his indomitable figure to the pillow on the floor by his feet. Without question, I understood his intention. My body sank onto the pillow and my head found rest on his thigh.
“Beautiful girl,” Scott stroked my hair as I relaxed into his warmth. “You’re strung out. I could hear your pacing. What has you upset?”
“It’s this storm. It’s as if the snow will never stop.” The worry seemed foolish now that I’d spoken it aloud. I was grateful my face was hidden in his lap, my hair as a curtain to my expression.
“Still not used to this, are you? It certainly was never like this in the Bahamas.” Scott paused, moving his hand along my back, before continuing, “Let me help you relax. Then I’ll show you how to enjoy this type of weather.”
I nodded. I knew what Scott meant, understood just how he’d help me relax and I craved it. I craved the stinging touch of his palm on my bottom.
QUESTION: What are times when you crave a spanking?
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