Oh, The Ways Readers Can Help Authors... #Thursday13

Authors need Readers' help in promoting our books. Many readers already promote the books and authors they love -and authors appreciate you- but many readers don’t know how simple it is to help authors they love. There's lots of different ways so maybe this list will inspire you to help authors spread the word about their books. Some will work for you and some won't but every little thing a reader does to support an author is valuable. Readers are Valuable to Authors.

Thirteen ways YOU can help an author you love in just a few minutes... 

Write a review for your blog and share your review on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Write a review for an online site. You can even take it a step further and copy & paste your review onto several of the more popular sites like Amazon, BN, Smashwords, etc.

While reading the book, post comments on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. Mention what you’re reading and why you like it. Share your favorite lines from the book. In Twitter, you can even use the hashtag #AmReading and other readers might respond.

Invite the author as a guest on your blog. Many authors will jump at the chance. Interview them and ask unique questions that your blog readers would like. They might even bring along a prize so you can run a contest!

Add the book to your Goodreads shelf. Then be sure to leave a review there too.

Start a discussion about the book on Goodreads. You could even invite the author to join your group for a Q & A session.

Add the book to a Goodreads list. Find a list that's fitting and add it. Many readers look to these lists when searching out a new book to read.

Pin the book cover onto a Pinterest board of your favorite books. Make sure to link back to the author’s website or book page.

Take a picture of yourself with the book. The more creative and quirky, the better. (Hey, does your cat read?) Post the photo onto your blog, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.

Suggest the book to your book club. Many authors would be willing to participate whether by answering questions via email or Skype or Google Hangouts.

Buy the book as a gift for a holiday or birthday. Books always make great gifts! If it's a printed edition, request a signed bookplate that you can affix to the book.

Join an author's street team. While each author has a different take on this concept, most have a group of devoted fans who get treated a bit like royalty.

Distribute bookmarks or other promotional swag the author has available. You may reach an area of the world the author has not yet become exposed to.

What other ways can readers promote a book they love?
Remember:  every little thing a reader does to support an author is valuable. Readers are Valuable to Authors. Share your ideas. What have you done or seen done by others?


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