Be #QUOTEtastic! Great Authors Capture Emotions

Writing is more than words on paper. It's building the emotions into those words, emotions that draw the reader so deeply into your story, they can't put it down. They fall in love alongside the characters -they laugh, maybe they even cry- and they live, for just that moment, inside your story. As a reader, I love those moments. As a writer, I strive to create those moments because capturing an emotion is the author's finest art form.

In honor of those moments, I created QUOTEtastic.
QUOTEtastic is a tumblr blog that spotlights a quote from a romance book each day. Sometimes they're sweet... or sexy... or flirty... or sad and thought-provoking. What they all share is that singular moment in a book where you really and truly get to the heart of the character.

BE QUOTEtastic! I invite authors to submit a book quote - either already made as a graphic or just the words and their cover.

I also created a QUOTEtastic Pinterest Board. There are hundreds of inspiring quotes with beautiful graphics. CAUTION: You could spend hours looking at all the beautiful pins!


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