Courtney Giardina @SweetAngelEyz visits #RomanceBeckons

Welcome Courtney Giardina to Romance Beckons.
Courtney Giardina is a Rochester, NY native who currently resides in Charlotte, NC. After 9 months of wearing out the delete button on the keyboard, Tear Stained Beaches was completed. She is currently working on her second novel to be published in 2014.

When she’s not writing, Courtney is an avid health and fitness lover who has currently taken up a love of boxing as a member of Title Boxing Club and loves trying out new healthy recipes from Pinterest.

To find out more about Courtney, visit her website or follow her on twitter.

Growing up in western New York you spend about 9 months out of the year yearning for summer and 3 months trying to hold on to it as long as possible. Maybe that’s why a majority of Tear Stained Beaches takes place in a coastal North Carolina beach town. 

When Haylie Julian finally discovers the truth of her husband’s sudden change in character, she escapes her reality and heads to Kettlewood Island to clear her head, gather her thoughts and figure out what to do next. Unfortunately for Haylie though, it was only a matter of time before the life she left behind caught up to her in a bigger way than she could’ve ever imagined.

With summer just around the corner, I know I have a few fun vacations planned that include sandy beaches, boardwalks and ocean view sunsets. If money was no object though and I could run away to anywhere when life became to overbearing, I would go to Turtle Island, Fiji. It’s been my dream spot since before I could drive and has been ever since.

TALK TO US! If you could pick up and go anywhere to clear your head and do some soul searching, where would you go?

About Tear Stained Beaches
Haylie Julian wants nothing more than to put her crumbling marriage back together. Chase used to be a fun-loving, light hearted husband who had lately become an overworked attorney obsessed with climbing the corporate ladder. It isn’t long before Haylie starts waking up next to a man she barely knows. His secretive phone calls and late nights at the office leave her feeling alone and afraid of what he might be hiding. Ignoring his continuous pleas to just leave well enough alone, she continues to dig for answers and discovers a heartbreaking truth.

Struggling with what she has just learned, Haylie sets off to a quaint little North Carolina beach town to decide if her marriage can survive. It isn’t long after she arrives that her world is once again turned upside down as Chase’s secret stares her right in the face.

Tear Stained Beaches explores what happens when a marriage isn’t the happily-ever-after you thought it was. Can trust be rebuilt? Can a wife forgive the ultimate betrayal?

Purchase Tear Stained Beaches in paperback or ebook format now on Amazon.


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