Queen Of My Kingdom: Summer Schedule vs. Summer Freedom

It's Summer! No more school... no more carpooling. Ah, the Freedom!

When  my boys were in their earlier school years, I went crazy with summer plans. I didn't want them to get bored and the over-achiever in me didn't want them to lose where they were at in their classes. I bought academic workbooks and structured learning time each morning after breakfast. Then I tacked in reading time in the afternoon, with a determined number of books they had to read during the summer months. I limited tv time, included pool time and outdoor play times. I even planned one field trip each week to local educational sites. Our summer lives may have been more scheduled than our school year!

Looking back from where I am today, I'm not sure if I was neurotic or if it was a necessary evil of being a young mother. I'm come a long way. As this summer began, there are no workbooks, no schedules, no limited tv time. Instead, we are relaxing because my boys work hard all school year and run crazy with sport commitments. Summer is now a chance for us to take it easy. The freedom of not having a schedule just seems more practical.

I don't know if its me who has grown wiser or just a product of the boys grower older but life has definitely changed. And to the old women at the park who said "you'll miss this someday" as I chased after my toddlers in the heat of summer, I say "absolutely not." This new stage is suiting me just fine.

My Stick Family from WiddlyTinks.com


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