Who Are Romance Readers? See the Stats on #Thursday13

Have you ever wondered about people who read romance? Why they choose the genre... What
type of lives they live... What they want? I stumbled upon this survey done by RWA that spells it all out.

Romance Writers of America® (RWA) is a nonprofit trade association whose mission is to advance the professional interests of career-focused romance writers through networking and advocacy. RWA works to support the efforts of its members to earn a living, to make a full-time career out of writing romance—or a part-time one that generously supplements his/her main income.

Who Are Romance Readers?

  1. 64.6 million Americans read at least one romance novel in the past year. In 2002, there were 51.1 million readers in America.
  2. 29% of the Southern population reads romance, the highest area in the US. 12.6% of the Northeast population reads romance, the lowest area in the US.
  3. 78% of romance readers are female.
  4. The percent of male romance readers increased significantly since 2002, from 7% to 22%.
  5. 50% of romance readers are married.
  6. 40% of romance readers are between the ages of 35-54.
  7. 42% of romance readers have a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  8. 54% of romance readers have read between 1 and 5 books this past year. Only 10% of romance readers read more than 21 books yearly.
  9. 36 % of romance readers buy their books new, either paperback or ebook. 16% borrowed their book from a friend.
  10. 48% of romance readers prefer thriller, mystery or action plots.
  11. 36% of romance readers prefer books that take place in exotic settings.
  12. 33% of romance readers enjoy contemporary themes.
  13. 65% of romance readers prefer covers that are either abstract and/ or romantic.


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